Bill Cosby on Tour?

It has been very unfortunate that the formerly loved actor and comedian Bill Cosby was convicted of a criminal sexual assault charge in 2018 and sentenced to 10 years in jail.
The one sexual assault charge wasn’t the only thing that tainted his decades long reputation, but the fact that sixty women came forward to accuse the 83 year old of a variety of offenses, including groping, sexual assault and rape as far back as the 1960s.
While the 2018 conviction was overturned by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in 2021, as of December 6th Cosby was again accused. This time five more women accused him of groping, raping, and drugging them in separate instances and he is facing a new sexual abuse lawsuit.
Apparently the actor is ready to get his mojo back in entertainment and is considering doing a tour for fans in 2023. Cosby’s publicist and crisis manager, Andrew Wyatt, told NPR on Thursday that the tour is tentatively scheduled for the spring.
Although now considered a “disgraced” comedian, there are still many fans.