Mariah Carey Seeks Trademark as ‘Queen of Christmas’ and Gets Pushback
Mariah Carey’s Christmas album “Merry Christmas” is one of the top selling Christmas albums of all time. So much so that the singer has been in the process of being trademarked as the ‘Queen of Christmas’ since March of last year. The process is ongoing and has not been easy as she receives backlash from singers Darlene Love and Elizabeth Chan.
“Christmas has come way before any of us on earth, and hopefully will be around way after any of us on earth,” Chan told Variety in an article on Monday, August 15th. She continues to say, “ And I feel strongly that no one person should hold onto anything around Christmas or monopolize it in the way that Maria seeks to in perpetuity. That’s just not the right thing to do.”
Love wrote on Facebook, that she was “confused” by Carey’s actions, asking if this meant she could not use the title. The singer added, “David Letterman officially declared me the Queen of Christmas 29 years ago, a year before she released All I want For Christmas Is You,” she wrote, referring to Carey.
The name is still up for grabs by the popstar and will have a final legal decision soon.